St.Luke's is a welcoming, multigenerational faith community that inspires spiritual growth, learning for all ages, lives of service, and a desire to make a difference in the world. We are committed to worship in the Episcopal tradition that celebrates the beauty and joy created by our preaching, liturgy, music, and the arts.
A Message from our Rector

We welcome you to St. Luke's, a warm, growing, and vibrant parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago, located in south Evanston at the corner of Hinman & Lee. The essence of St. Luke’s is its community of members, friends, and visitors — a community that lives the Gospel of God’s radical welcome to everyone. We invite dialogue and celebrate diversity as a way to better know, love, and serve God and our neighbors. Join us for powerful and inspirational worship. Engage more deeply with your faith through a vast array of Christian education and formation offerings for children, youth, and adults. Elevate your soul and delight your ears by enjoying, and even participating in, our renowned choirs. St. Luke's is a place where we share in one another's joys and concerns and live out the deep, authentic joy in Jesus Christ, in one another, and in the earth that God has entrusted us to care for. It is a place where our parishioners engage more deeply with their faith and go forth into the world strengthened to live and serve.
There is a place for you here.

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